Happy new year!!
My new year's resolutions:
1. Get my excema under control. It's a pain to spend hours a day applying all the creams, oils, etc. but I need to keep reminding myself that it will pay off and one day my daily excema-care will only take minutes! BUT only if I take care of it NOW!
2. Be committed to being a scientist. This one is self explanatory.
3. Go shopping less often to save money for Lasik. It will be my graduation gift for myself... After 20+ years of having to wear glasses/contacts at every moment I'm awake, I'm finally tired of it. BESIDES, do you know how annoying it is to wear lab goggles over glasses?! I don't even know how much time I spend cleaning my glasses AND ALSO my lab goggles. I also spend a lot of time pushing everything onto the bridge of my nose. (I can't wear contacts to lab because some organic chemicals are persistent about sticking on/being absorbed by contacts, so it's a safety issue.) wah wah wahhhhh. tiniest violin in the world, I'm sure.
4. Be better about following up on tasks in a timely manner. Ohhhh, work.
I wish everyone good skill on meeting their resolutions!! :)